Saturday, October 29, 2011

R.I.P Voodoo.

Yesterday morning of October 29, 2011, I walked into my room after a shower to find my beloved guinea pig, Voodoo, had passed on.

The night before this he had gotten very sick, wouldnt eat or drink, move... So my mum called me at my boyfriend's house, to let me know Voo looked very ill. I ran home. Normally it takes me about fiteen minutes but I ran as fast as I could, didnt stop even to cough anything up (as Im ill with a bad cold). Three minutes flat, I burst through the door and went right to my pig.

And he seemed pretty okay. After Voo saw he me got wheaking a bit, drank a little, had some apple, nibbled my fingers as usual and moved around a bit. This morning he was awake, a bit wobbly but looked okay.

During my shower, Voodoo passed on.

And I am literally devastated. Earlier this year, after a friend's pet passed, I told my boyfriend how devastated I would be if I lost Voodoo. And my predictions were way off- I feel much worse. Almost empty, emotionless. If Im not being emotionless, Im sobbing my face off.

The poor thing was two weeks from turning two years old. He was so young....

I never felt this way with any other pet, as cruel as that is to say. Voodoo was my best friend. He knew all my scrects, helped me when I was sad, calmed me when I was angry, listened to all my screts.... He was my best friend.

I feel like when I come home tomorrow after errands he'll still be alive. That he'll chrip in his funny little way when we sees me, and nibble my fingers gently like he always loved to do. I think he did it to get the salt off my fingers.
I miss you, Voodoo.
To have seen you so ill yesterday make my heart feel cracked but when I found you today it went cold.
Ill miss you, my beautiful little Guinea Pig.
Ill miss you so much.
Your peanut-butter and black fur.
Your gentle wheeking when you were in my arms.
The nibbles on my fingers whenever I held you..

I'll look after Voodoo's brother for him.
Mr Mann will live a long life for Voo, Ill make sure of it.

Requiescat in pace, Voodoo.
I confess Im gonna miss you.

Dearly depressed.
The Night Angel.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Found my Camera!!

Deep fried Mars Bar, anyone??

Back in August I lost my beloved camera after uploading my images from FaxExpo2011, and then LOST it! I was devastated, and so very, very sad.

Just now, because Halloween is soon and I LOVE this event, I decided to search for it. After a good horu of looking I decided to check the bag I used for the convention, as it has a reputation for swallowing things.

Guess where I found my camera?

I've been carrying around this purse for MONTHS and never noticed. Though, I am more than happy I never lost it, or it fell out of the pocket on the purse. EEK.

The NA.

Insane Tattoo Video. (MUST SEE.)

This may just be the coolest tattoo video I have ever seen.

If you cannot view it for some reason, the video first asks, "How do you judge a book?" After which, they show a man, white skin and a few piercings. He sits in a chair, and after squirting something onto a pad, scrubs at his chest.

After which, he takes a cloth, squirts more liquid onto that, and rubs at his face. When the man pulls his cloth away, his face is a skeleton's, scary and frightening.

This man is Rick Genest, the world's most tattooed man. He was asked to help advertise a pair of new products, Dermablend's Leg and Body Tattoo Primer and Leg and Body Cover. And the results are terrifyingly amazing what can be done with it.

For Behind-The-Scenes video, click this sentence!!

Happy Halloween!!
The Night Angel.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Studying away!

Currently studying for a test!

I take Parenting and Family Development course at school. This isn't cause Im pregnant or have a child or whatever, before you freak out. It is a very, incredibly interesting course!

Learn many amazing things :)

Anyway, next period is a test!
On both Unit 1 and 2.
I should be okay, I believe, as I pay attention.

Hooray for classes I actually enjoy!!

The NA.

It worked...? o.o

I posted and the person shut up.

Joking, joking....

But thanks for shutting up, person!! :D

The NA


Across the room.

Stop singing.


The NA.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


That presentation I mentioned?

Got it done.
On time and everything!
I only had to offer the audience candy to get them to be involved.

Hah. :)

I only hope I passed!!

The NA.

I feel like a Celebrity!!

Today, I "Googled" (I love how Google became an Adjective.) the two words "Revelations Trickster", trying to find more reference images of the Trickster Multiplayer character from Assassin's Creed Revelations!

And in the first row of images, among with official ones from the game, was my WIP that I posted a week or so ago!!

I was extatic!!
Felt like a well-known, well-visited blog celebrity!!
A Blogebrity!!

Felt like sharing this,
The Night Angel.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Can I do it??

Probably not...

I have a HUGE presentation due on Tuesday. And while I've been working like crazy to try and finish this, how the heck do I make it exciting?! o.o
Expressionism presentation. (Art Expressionism, the style.) I have a few ideas to keep people focused on this... BUT RAGE!!

How to doooooo this.
Maybe if I offer all the Audience ten bucks each they'll pretend it's exciting...

Haw. I wont do that. I'd go broke.

The NA.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Current Reading:
Records of a Fallen Vampire - Kyo Shirodaira & Yuri Kimura

Current Music:
Never see your face Again - Maroon 5 & Rihanna

Kind of blah. I'm doing well enough!

Air... I dont know, I dont smell much.
My Minty gum maybe, but its hours old...

My music, the Grade Nines diligently checking their Facebook accounts while they should be working. (XD)

Kind of chilly!

I want spare to end so that I can go to Parenting. Then I want parenting to end so I can get home. Its a Friday. I want to sleep.

200 Posts!

This is my 200th post on The Night Angel's Ranting...

Oh. Mai. Gawd.
And I misspell that for reasons!!

Anyway, it really does not seem like long ago that I posted about my one hundredth post.
But wow!!
I'm shocked.
Do I really talk that much?
Do you like reading my talking of sweet nothings? (XD)

Anyway, I hope you stick around long enough for my 300th post, and the 400th post, and the..... *continues*

The NA.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Look, a Work in Progress!!

The Spare is about to end so I have to type fast!
I managed to finish some of my Trickster WIP, from the video game Assassin's Creed Revelations, which comes out in a MONTH.
Hope you enjoy it!! :D

This is MY work. Please DO NOT use it without my permission.
Thanks. :)

The NA.

Lost Mask Blues

There's currently a spat going on between two of my friends.

And I hate when this happens, because, I am always expected to choose sides. Which I really hate doing. I'm not picking sides, I refuse, but i am picking this apart. Because I'm tired of being sworn at and fought over to choose a side. The issue arose about fourty minutes ago and I already want to scream.

The issue is about a lost gas mask, in some kind of rock-punk 'style', with biohazard symbols all over it. It's gone missing, and, while I'm interested in helping to find it, I also... dont care.

I was not around when this mask was lost.

However the suspects who could have taken it, who were around the mask at the time of misplacement, are;
The Owner
The One Who bought it
The Anime Freak
The Two Girls everybody on this list has only met twice
The Boyfriend of the Purchaser of the mask
And two other girls.

The Owner really wants it back, but owes the one who bought it about a hundred dollars. The one who bought it doesnt care about the mask, but would like the anime freak to stop getting pissy about it. Boyfriened of purchaser is probably super angry at anime freak and owner for harassing the purchaser, and the two other girls are snobby little children, but I know they wouldn't steal. They're too bad at lying, anyways.

The two girls that everybody have only met twice? That dont go to my school where the mask was lost?
I dont know much about them, but... doesnt this kind of scream 'We Stole It' ??

Frustrated beyond words,
The Night Angel

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Design Process

Design Process is a linear, or straight, sequence of events that has a start and end point. There are many levels of the Design Process, from coming up with an idea, to analyzing it, to researching to the finished, evaluated product. However, it would be much more interesting to do the research sections than most any other parts of the Design Process.

I personally prefer researching things, especially if I was interested in the topic. During research, one needs to find something suitable to the project, which is always an interesting challenge to do correctly. However, the thought of working for hours in a library with books, or at a computer delving through old archives of information is very, very appealing to me, because I love history (Even if the product is not historical, it is still appealing!).

The reason why I find researching so interesting is because of the thought of being able to create a product, paragraph or proposition that nobody else has before is… a bit empowering, making me want to try and strive to do it. Plus, the thrill is the same with any kind of thing one can produce or invent before another. Humans are greedy creatures, so it really is natural you want to accomplish something before another.

The NA.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sleeping in Class

I long ago learned a very valuable lesson, after my Grade Ten Geography teacher whipped a foam dice at my head during a movie.

Dont sleep in class.

You miss stuff, even if its like, a SUPER boring class, try not to fall asleep.
Especially if you have something due at the end of the period... -.-;
(Not that I'm saying Tech is boring. It and Art are my favourite classes. Ever. )

Im super tired right now but Im blogging, doing the assignment and Im fine.
I'll at least pass!! XD