Friday, September 30, 2011

Dual Self Portrait.

This is a Dual Self Portrait. The task here was to create a portrait composed of two contrasting sides of myself. This good be simply 'good and bad' sides, or something deeper, such as 'the inner unicorn' or something like that, as long as the piece had deep meaning and unity!

We had SO much freedom with this piece, I had no idea where the heck to even try and begin! We had freedom of medium, as well, so it was just mind boggling. Eventually, I settled for a stretched and primed 16" x 20" canvas, and acrylic paint.

After creating too many pages of visual brainstorms, thumbnails and jot notes in my sketchbook, I finally came up with a concept. I would do the person who I am and the person who I wish to be.

In the above photo, you can see a figure of what looks to be a puppet. This is me, currently, the person who I am. And sure enough, she is a puppet! Right now in my life I feel like I am constantly being controlled by strings. Like somebody is pulling me in every direction.

Portraying myself as a puppet came surprisingly easily to my self esteem, actually, and I thought I would absolutely hate myself later on for painting this, but I don't. Because it is a pretty accurate way of how I feel at the moment, and have been feeling like for a long while now. Stitched together, easily able to be picked up and tossed somewhere. Fragile and weak.

This above photo shows the person who I want to be. She is whole, strong, and the apple suggests fertility or wealth. Because, hey, I would love to have a family some day. Money, too, but a family would probably come to me first. (Yay!)

She is wearing lighter colours than her puppet self, so that she is standing out, a shining star against the pale background that my puppet self has seemingly created around her. I found this future self hardest to paint, because I wanted it to look absolutely and utterly perfect, without any stray marks and all smooth edges. However, nothing can be perfect and I love the finished product, especially since I was not gunning for any specific style. (Though I do so love her and the puppet's hair.)

Above is the finished product of my hard labour. I hope you enjoy it! Lately I've been finding I've been trying to gain control of my life, and trying to break free of that puppet-like stitching. We shall see, I suppose, how far I get into my future self!!

The Night Angel.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jamey Rodemeyer - R.I.P.

How can humans say, so easily, 'go kill yourself'?

I mean, imagine you're upset and all depressed and such. Maybe you dont have to imagine it, maybe you are. Maybe you're sad, and scared, hurt and angry, for whatever reason. And trust me, Ive been there too! But people care for you, beleive it or not, there will always be at least five people who love you. Five supporters, five friends, five shoulders to cry on if something goes wrong.

But, getting back to why I started this post, I cannot see how humans can tell each other to go kill them self. Even 50 Cent, a famous rapper, has said that "if you a man who dont lick p***sy, just kill yourself, damn it. lol." I mean, who does that?!! How can you tell somebody to end their life? What 50 Cent's best friend had seen that, and went and killed him or herself? The rapper makes himself out to be, ahem, a 'badass', but I would imagine he'd be in tears, devastated, if that had happened.

On September 18th, another teen boy, 14-year-old Jamey Rodemeyer, killed himself. He was being bullied because he was openly gay.
In a YouTube video posted in May, Jamey said Lady Gaga had inspired him. “Lady Gaga, she makes me so happy, and she lets me know that I was born this way. And that's my advice to you from her. People are born this way. All you have to do is hold your head up and you'll go far,” he said in the clip. “Just love yourself and you're set … It gets better.”

Jamey's hero and inspiration was none other than Lady Gaga, who is a huge supporter of LGBTQ rights. Before he took his life, Jamey took the time to tweet Lady Gaga to say, “@LadyGaga Bye Mother Monster. Thank you for all you have done. Paws up Forever.”

However, the bullying still has not stopped just because Jamey's life did. His sister Alyssa recently at a dance faced open hostility.
She was having a great time, and all of a sudden a Lady Gaga song came on, and they all started chanting for Jamey, all of his friends,” Jamey's mother said. “Then the bullies that put him into this situation started chanting, 'You're better off dead!' and 'We're glad you're dead!' and things like that.”

How can people be so heartless?!!

What I, personally, suggest, is to talk to somebody. If you're scared, sad, angry, hurt... Just go and talk to somebody. Find one of those five people I spoke of in the beginning of this article and talk to them. Cry to them, do whatever you can but please, get help. Especially if you're being bullied.

If I was not able to convince you out of anything bad, then please, watch this video. I know many probably wont, but for those who do watch it, thank you. Spread the video to everybody you know, because it'll get people thinking, talking, and saving.

Love, hugs, and hope.
The Night Angel.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sionra - [Mature Content Warning]

Sionra is an artist on who I have recently come to adore! Their artwork is amazing, and personally, as somebody who has been trying to master human proportions I am jealous and amazed and so happy I discovered Sionra's work!
(Not only human proportions, but so much more. Amazing stuff in their Art Gallery is certain!!)

Gentle Kiss

The above piece is called 'Gentle Kiss', and is part of a personal project Sionra did called 'Hot-Hot November'. It happened in November of 2010, where Sionra "drew one smexy work per day." This link shows the full 'Hot-Hot November Gallery.'

Why I love 'Gentle Kiss' so much is because of the love you can see the two characters, Lynn and Lyrev, have for each other. There is such a sense of passion and sensuality, while not stepping over the boundary of artistic. Also, the way the two approach each other seems natural and the lust on the man's face is clear and distinct. This is why I love Sionra's work, especially the 'Hot-Hot November' project. Is because of the sensual, passionate, lustful work that this artist does.

Composition wise, there's almost an upside down triangle going on. Your eyes are drawn across their faces, and down the middle of the photo where their bodies are touching. The composition of the piece makes it that much more interesting to me, because I personally do not find too many centered images that make me go 'wow'. And 'Gentle Kiss' certainly made me do this!!

If you have a chance, please check out the below links!
DeviantART page for 'Hot-Hot November'

Sionra's DeviantART Gallery

Sionra and her partner's Facebook page

The Night Angel.

'Gentle Kiss' is Copyright work of Sionra
Lynn is Copyright to Hebi-LynnSek
Lyrev is Copyright to Elyra-Coacolina

Friday, September 16, 2011

Masks In Photoshop!

Today we learned how to use masks in Photoshop!
Its still really confusing, but, I turned an original photograph of mine and changed the dress colour.

... That amounts to something, right?
Its a step foreward, for sure!!
I think I am the only one who took notes, so if I get stuck Ill be okay. XD



Thursday, September 15, 2011

Information Graphic!

Lets see if you can figure out what this is about.

Basically, Im telling you to go to Inter-Dec College for the Video Editing course. Telling you that you need passion and an interest in the field, and then showing you what happens after- or when- you get accepted.

But hooray, Im done!! o.O

The NA.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Banner! - 2011

As some of you may be able to see.....

I have a new banner!!
And this time it's one that is actually my OWN artwork, without any bases or such.

I hope you like it. :'D

In case you cannot see the banner, here's an image.

Im so proud of this thing!!!! :D

The NA


Not feeling too well today, its a bit frustrating.
Oh well, haha, I have to deal with it.

For the sixth day of school though, there is a lot of drama going on.

*deep sigh*

Last year of High School, so hopefully all of this drama ends soon. Of course, new stuff will start up again but whatever!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Well, hello there!!

Hi again, 'Tis I, the Night Angel!

I have not been updating lately, and for this I am very sorry! Lots of stress at school and home is keeping me from updating my lovely blog. *gently pats it*

Anyway, in class we are creating information graphics, so hopefully that will be posted soon!!

See you all later!

The NA.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to Make; Assassin's Creed Cosplay

What I did was take a hoodie, and attach/ sew most everything on the assassin robes to that hoodie. I makes it a lot easier to put everything on when it comes to wearing the costume.

Otherwise, for the stomach sash-y thing, you want to take a strip of fabric that goes 2.5 - 3 times around your waist. It looks better that way when you tie it to let the fabric end pieces hang, too. For the shoulder plates and belt I used paper mache to scuplt into shapes I needed. The arm gauntlets I made of fabric, and unfortunatly I never had time to make a hidden blade.

But that will change!!

Otherwise, you can find leather gloves, boots, and black pants that are pre-made, and cheap, too, if you go to a thrift store. Just remember to wash everything really well when you bring it home before you start cutting and sewing!! (UNLESS, the material is silk, suede, or velvet. Then take it to a dry cleaner. NEVER machine wash silk, suede or velvet!!!)

Below is my Costume! About 89 percent of it was home-made. :)
Which I am proud to admit!!

The only things I did not fully make were the base of the assassin-hoodie, base of the assassin pants, and the boots!

Hope you enjoy!! :D

Love, The NA.