Thursday, January 27, 2011

Violence will get me nowhere but I am so freaking peeved.

There's this person who, let's say his name is John, has not spoken to me properly since last Thursday. Now, John and I have this relationship, well, he is an older family member.

I called him on Thursday to speak with him, but there was no answer from his cell or his home. So I left him a text but he never got back to me. So without hearing from him until Monday, not a call, not a text, I sent out an email to John and a woman named... How about Suue?

So Suue replies, she's fine about the email I sent out- as it was about something I would like to purchase from eBay. So the first thing John sends me on Teusday, after almost six days of worry, he emails me saying; "no I don't want to buy something from the UK."

Excuse me?! D:
And I dont want to tell him how angry I am because, honestly, I'm braver on a computer than in real life. In real life around people I'm really not good at speaking out my feelings. Here online you actually have an Edit button :P

And yesterday he calls and doesnt even mention the countles messages on his answering macheines. I just handed the phone to Suue.

It just makes me mad. It's like not seeing a lover for a year and they havn't told you where they went. Then they come back and the first thing they do is sit on the couch and watch television. It's just-

Bashing my head on a desk,
The Night Angel.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Starlicide!! Who caused 200 birds to suddenly fall, dead, from the sky?

The United States Department of Agruiculture. Wow, America, way to poison over 200 Starlings! You go America!


They say that the little birds were eating all of the farmer's feed for animals, and then leaving droppings on the left over feed and the macheinery. So, the U.S.D.A. decided to put out a poison called 'DRC 1339', which is a kind of chemical salt. Hydrocliric acid is used to nullify the molicules in chemicals down to a salty residue.

And the U.S. killed all of these birds... because they were tying to survive?! That's really humane. Yup, these little birds are trying to survive a harsh, cold winter by eating some food. So let's poison the little buggers!

*stomps around and rips hair out of head*

It's not fair!! If you went to a Starbucks to get a coffee or hot chocolate, because you were hungry or wanted to get warm... And somebody slipped a cube of poison into your drink, that would be illegal!! Is it not illegal to kill over 200 innocent animals?!

Humans beleive all the time that we are above all other animals, and we are not! We are absolutely not on the top of the food chain. Even with all of this technology, it's made us stupider than human-kind has ever been!

So I ask you, dear reader, was it fair to kill these Starlings?

Angered to the point of yelling,
The Night Angel.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why Don't People Like To be Challenged Anymore?!

Everybody in their lives has role played another person. Where it be a Policeman in "Cops and Robbers" or Ezio in "Assassin's Creed", everybody does it. But some people take it to levels were they design their own characters, and role play online with each other.

Two guy friends of mine just love doing this, however they always use images of anime that they either draw or just find on Google. Last night the older of the two friends suggested they use real human photos instead of anime photographs. He was quite excited, had me help him design his character and then he went off, found a model that looked like his character and photographed her.

He was THAT excited.

(Image not the one he took but is an example of anime to real life.)

So today he was trying to help the younger one and the younger said that he really did not want to do real photos, just wanted to stick with anime. My friend snapped a little, saying;

Come on, get a little out of your element. It's best to be challenged in life otherwise it's all f[***]ing boring..

To which the younger merely typed out; "*shakes head*"

But when the older friend, the one who is closest to me, told me about this.... Well I thought about how my generation really does just seem to want to be told things and want things to be easiest for them. Where is the challenge in life if things get handed to us on a silver platter? If adults are always there to cover our asses when we screw up?

Granted that's what a mum or dad is for but what happens when all your life you've been sheltered? Staying inside your house all day until it was time to head out to school in the morning at 7:56AM, and were picked up right after school at 2:50PM (Heck yes I remember my Middle School times)... I mean come on of course you'll be used to getting whatever you want, you wont be socialized properly to society.

But what about others? Abandoned all their life, forced to care for themselves day and night. Not wanting to accept help from a Shelter because of pride that may be hurt. And then, most of the time I've seen, once they've been accepted into a family then they get special treatment for a while. Do you want anything? Do you have everything you want?

This generation is ALWAYS going to be asking for things on a silver platter. And what happens when we all grow up and we have to help the next generation survive? What happens when some of us have to become teachers and professers? The first to visit Mars? The first person to find a cure to cancer?

Well unless every one steps up their game and takes a few steps out of their comfort zone, everything is going to go to shit. We wont HAVE teachers and professors, or the first to visit Mars or a cure for cancer.

In Photography class, during the past month we have been working with what I call the "Flash Box". Now of course this probably is not the real name for it, but basically if you don't discharge the energy from it properly before unplugging it, the chances of you ending up dead are about 99%

In this class, so far I am the only female to touch the box willingly. I took a step out of my comfort zone, confronted the thing that could fry my brains out, and won! With a few little pushes by my wonderful teacher before-hand, I actually did it! The thrill I felt was amazing, and I couldn't stop playing with it. Discharge, take a picture or five, then discharge again. It really was great to know I had control over it.

But others in the class, boys and gals a-like are all just terrified. They want the teacher to do it for them. They want it handed to them on this silver platter. And I just roll my eyes and walk away because all you have to do with this box is turn it off, discharge it and unplug it.

Bringing back to what started this rant, if somebody asks you to step out of your comfort zone, then do it. If somebody asks you to use a human photo rather than an image from a graphic novel, do it and have fun with it. If somebody asks you to play street hockey instead of soccer that day, do it!!

Satisfied with my first real rant,
The Night Angel.

A.K.A; Tomo :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Apoligizing here because face-to-face would make me cry.

Today I went over to my Grandparent's house, right? And I logged into the laptop and then my Grandmother asked me about when I lost my cell phone at a nearbay mall. About why I didn't want to tell my mum about it.

After explaining for a bit, I got realy confused because she told me she had read it on my blog... but after checking all of my posts I don't see anything. Maybe I did but I don't often delete posts, only edit them if I have incorrect spelling.

Haha, I don't know. I've said some stupid things in my life time, hurt too many people... But this one stings. I know I've hurt her, and though I don't know my exact words, to you, Nanny, I do whole-heartedly apoligize.

Feeling down,


This is what people are starting to call "Assassin's Creed; Brotherhood". And I hate it with a passion. I don't care how easy it is to remember, if I have to hear one more homophobic comment- from my family who's been saying this- I am going to go bat-sh*t insane.

I mean, saying just "Ass-Bros." was going to be fine with me. Yeah, that's kind of cool, short-form it and make it easier to remember, not bad. Until, not to point fingers, my dad and Uncle started turning it REALLY into what you read when I type it. "Ass-bros.". Or for the more confused, "ass brothers."

I'm a huge supporter of LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) rights, and one side of my family.... Doesn't quite get that yet. Though I've been a supporter for oh, I don't know, most all my life?

I mean come on! You disgrace my passion, my lifestyle, and then you disgrace not only me but most my friends by making the homophobic remarks following your saying of "Ass-Bros."

I don't care if they're two men and you happened to take a screenshot as Leonardo was bendng down in front of Ezio to pick up a paper. I. Don't. Care. It was one scene!! And they hug! That's fine, I'm sure guys hug all the time.
"But, Night Angel, they kiss too!"
Well yes, because in the Rennaisance everybody pecked cheeks.

Shut. Up.

I am so SICK of constanly having to tell everybody to stop saying this!! I'm serious, the next person who says it to my face gets a CD case to the head >.<

Down to the last straw,

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oh, that's right! (I Remembered!)

Hello again, I've remembered my topic for today!


I really quite badly would like to get a tattoo. This tattoo I've already planned out, made sure it's got heaps of meaning to it, that I love the design and I've even chosen where it would be best for me to get it done.

But my mother is absolutely against me ever getting a tattoo.

So I was thinking shrink the design and put it behind my ear or on the back of my neck; easily covered by hair. But see now that I've posted that, if my mum sees she'll check. And if I do have one by then I'll be in trouble XD

So I don't know, where do I want to get it? Do I want to explain to her all of it's meaning? XD

Tomo <3

Well, I forgot what I was going to blog about XD

So I'll blog about forgetting my original blog!! :D

I was going to write about who knows what, and as sooooon as I log into Blogger, the topic is lost. That happens so often to me!
Does it happen to you as well?

I hate when it happens because, especially if it's something important, usually you'll forget!

I hate it XD

Annoyingly bored,
Tomo <3

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why... I've Entered an Art Contest!

Hello everybody!

Yes, that is right, I have entered an art contest. It's not a very big one, just something on an Avatar website that I go on. But hey at least it's something to blog about!! :D

I get to do a computer graphic of two characters that are very important to a very cute couple! The two are holding a contest for whoever gives them the best art of their characters, so I'm excited to give them some stuff X3

Slacking at School,
Tomo <3

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Design for my Blog!

With a new year comes new blog changes, and here it is!

With a new purple and black look, I find it a lot more pleasing to the eye, especially the old banner (the multicoloured scheme was about to drive me nuts). The image is an example of my pixeling skills so let me know how I did!

The music section is also currently under construction. That's right; this means that a new selection will soon be coming. The new soundtrack is going to be something much more calming and soothing than the sudden blast of pop music that assaulted your ears when the page loads.

As well as this all, I fuddled with the controls and watered down a lot of my gadgets, meaning that load times for my page, even with the new music, will be faster.

Anyway, I've got to bounce, so I'll see you all later!

Wearing fox ears to the book store,
The Night Angel

Thursday, January 6, 2011

And So It Begins...

Today I begin my New Year's resolution...

*deep inhale*

But I must do this.

No pop, no junk food, no snacking, no cookies, popcorn, ice cream, or bagels....

*falls over*

This'll be harder than I thought.

Im self concious, hate the way my body looks naked or clothed... I just dont like my body. And HOW am I planning to get the attention of the guy I like if I look... Like this.

And so begins the start of a new me.

Ah, if anybody seems me eating or doing anything on the list of no-no's above- hit me!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome to 2011!!

Hello my fellow bloggers, happeners upon this blog and dedicated readers!

I welcome you to my new and improved Night Angel Rantings blog!!

The difference??

The year changed!! :D

I'm sort of joking. Sometimes soon I will finish working on the design for my blog and will be updating it with new music choices, new background design, a new banner (because I don't know about you, but I grow tired of it), and hell, maybe even a few more interesting topics will come through before the Summer.

That does not include my rantings.

Happy New Year!,
~Tomo <3