Saturday, November 27, 2010

Popcorn and Assassins

I don't know what to post about- but hey at least I'm blogging!!!

Agh, lol, what a day.

Today I summoned up the courage to eat some Popcorn!! And guess what; I'm allergic to popcorn. I feel disgusting, the popcorn is finally settling and... >.<

I'm going to hire somebody to dog me around and make sure I don't eat popcorn or anything else I am allergic too.

I mean some on, self, you need to straighten up!!

My stomach just growled angrily at me. It actually sounded like a dog... O.o

And it cramped too *winces*

You know when you eat a HUGE Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas dinner and you have to lay down somewere to let it all settle??

Times that feeling by ten.

And then add cramps.

If I have huge amounts of popcorn... *AHEM*

Oh another note I am horrendously addicted to Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.

The plot line, the graphics, the characters, controls, mini-games, soundtrack, humour, addiotional- it's all bloody AMAZING!!!

I love it- I just absolutely absolutely LOVE Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.

My favourite thing about AC2 is that you get to grow into the art of the Creed with the character. In AC1 you begin as a character that has been bred and trained to kill since birth. Altair and Ezio are both very different.

Well... Alti acts like he's got a stick up his wazoo while Ezio just cruses around the Villa scoping the crows for a woman to court...

*wishes to one day have her own Ezio Auditore*

That man is like God to me....

I don't care if he's a graphic D<

Following the Creed,
Tomo <3

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stalking the First-Years

Haha, I'll admit it!

I've been hunting around on the first and second-year CyberARTist's blogs and these kids are all so cute!! XD

I've found one kid though who has really quite impressed me with their work, so I might end up hunting them down and making friends... :)

BUT these guys have to remember to put a filter on the computer for spam. If you aren't able to choose to Accept or Deny any comments, you're more than likely to get cruddy spam.

Ah.... I'm such a Blogger nerd... -_-;

Update/ Recent Events

Well lately I've been really ill and I'm just not enjoying it.

I've been sick with a flu or cold (they alternate which is just SOoooo funny T.T) since September, first of all, and I'm just tired of it. All day long I'm sniffling or so tired my eyelids are too heavy to hold up and I actually fall out of my chair at school; asleep.

Recently I've been drasticly in-bed-and-not-going-to-move sick. EVERYTHING aches >.<

My head and lower abdomen especially, and I think it's because of the upcoming Winter storms. Usually my body starts to ache when a huge rain or snow storm is coming. Or a wind storm, haha, but any kind of storm puts me in massive amounts of pain...

On a happier note, Assassin's Creed; Brotherhood came out today. I was so joyfully excited but the special treat was that I got my pre-ordered package yesterday. It's just..... Oh my geezus, it's EPIC!!!

Seriously though, you'll have need to have played Assassin's Creed 2, AT LEAST before you play brotherhood. Otherwise you're going to be a confused little Nutcracker XD

Anyway, I'm off to bed because I need sleep and it's 11:40 pm.

Merry part and merry meet again,
Tomo <3