Monday, February 28, 2011

Tamagotchi Pets ([Blog #6] 02-28-'11)

Hello my lovely Minions!!

I have recently re-discovered little Virtual Pets called Tamagotchi. They are small, egg-shaped computers that you can raise virtual pets on. I have three of them, a flowery blue one, an orange-spiked one and a silver-and-black. I would like to find one of the Music Star generation though, those look fun.

These things are ADDICTING!!!

But... before I bring them to school, somebody needs to tell me how to turn the sound off...

Off to play with my pets,
The Night Angel

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Youtube Snake ([Blog #5] 02-24-'11)

This is a Tutorial, actually, on the Classic game of 'Snake'.

First, go to

Then, find a movie that starts off with a black screen, such as this black screen.

Now, there are two ways on which you can play this Snake Game. But first, click for full screen, as you get a much better and larger playing surface.

The first way to do this is to watch the loading dots, and press any of your arrow keys to begin the game. Upon doing this the loading dots will turn into a snake, of which you must capture the little "apples".

The second way is to pause the screen at 0:00, hold the left and up arrows at the same time, then release quickly. Voila, you have a game of 'Snake'!

This has been The Night Angel.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Da Vinci Dissappearence ([Blog #4] 02-19-'11)

If you've played "Assassin's Creed; Brotherhood", then you most likely remember the look Ezio gave Leonardo when he saw that hideous beard. He practically shuddered, and the Assassin's first thought that jumped to mind was "boy, you have really let yourself go."

However, unfortunately for our favourite partner-in-crime, he is about to have much more to worry about than the thing on his face.

In the newest DLC (Downloadable Content) for "Assassin's Creed; Brotherhood", Da Vinci is kidnapped by some very, very bad people. And it is up to Ezio Auditore to find his pal "before God-knows-what happens to him".

The new DLC will benefit both Story Mode Single Player and the Multiplayer onlnie experiences. Story mode gets eight brand-new missions, two hot new locations to explore, another two Gameplay Features and for the finale, you can receive up to ten achievements. Multiplayers will receive two new game modes, one new map, four new characters (oh my god!!!) and much more.

You can download 'The Da Vinci Disappearance' in a few weeks on March 8th, for ten dollars, or if you prefer, 800 Microsoft Points.

Click here to watch the EPIC trailer,
This has been the Night Angel.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Weekly Blog Log (Updated Weekly)

I need six of each of these types of posts to pass this section of Tech. So, meet my Blog Log. I must "have an even dispersal of the first three posting types through the semester".
Well, great!!
I hope you all enjoy learning what my favourite art style is now...
*devious giggle and opens gore section of her computer files.*


Tips & Tricks- 5/6

Personal Inspiration- 5/6

Artistic Inspiration- 4/6

Wild Card- 6/6


#1- Introduction (Wild Card)
#2- Cinnamon Heart Inspiration (Personal Inspiration)
#3- Adobe Illustrator CS5 (Tutorial)
#4- The Da Vinci Dissappearence (Wild Card)
#5- Youtube Snake (Tutorial)
#6- Tamagotchi Pets (Wild Card)
#7- Florence Cathedral (Artistic Inspiration)
#8- Youtube Search Bar (Tips and Tricks)
#9- Jaymyccah (Personal Inspiration)
#10- Lost And Found Photos of Blizzard (Artistic Inspiration)
#11- Poptart Cat (Personal Inspiration)
#12- Miniature Weapons (Wild Cared)
#13- Shugo Characters (Artistic Inspiration)
#14- How to Find a Good Graphic Designer. (Tips and Tricks)
#15- Bluberry Shzaam! Tea (Wild Card)
#16- Assassin's Creed Revelations (Artistic Inspiration)
#17- Album Reveiw (Personal Inspiration)
#18- Music Video Reveiw (Personal Inspiration)
#19- Hands! (Tips/ Tricks)
#20- The Perfect Shadow (Last Wild Card)

How To Use... ([Blog Post #3] 16-02-'11)

How to use Adobe CS5.

Well how about we step into this handy link, and watch what is called 'Adobe TV'. Really this site just shows you how to use Adobe Illustrator. But not just any version- the version of Cs5!!

Yes, I am just buying time with my words.

I think this is a really nifty Tutorial though, because it is made by Adobe, the company who, obviously, makes AICS5. This meaning that all the facts are true in their own special way. Though try and remember that companies enjoy screwing you up with things.

Trying not to fall asleep on the keyboard,
The Night Angel.

You Know What Inspires Me?? ([BlogPost #2] 16-02-'11)


In Tech class we have been told that for our next Post we are to do a post on how to use iMovie. Well, I'm going outside of the box. Outside of the rule book and if I loose marks then my argument will be that I am in this class to use my own imagination. To use my mind and think up words, art and create that which will instill passion, anger, joy, sadness...

What inspired me today was a Cinnamon Heart candy.

The outside is sweet and delicious, teasing every molecule in your mouth as it slowly melts... And then as you bite into it the candy bites you back, it's fire and heat searing your mouth at first so badly it is painful.

It plans it's attack, waits for you to be comfortable with it and then springs for the attack, making your eyes water, mouth burn and crave some water or a quick escape. Like throwing it out the window of a moving car if you happen to be in one.

Yes, this little candy inspired me to do something wonderful and fight for myself today. People always see me as this sweet little thing who won't hurt anybody but lately too many people have called me things like, "bit*h", "sl*t", "wh*re"... These are not things I enjoy.

So take a lesson from the Cinnamon Heart Candy today like I did. You can be sweet and you can be fiery, but plan for the anger to come out, and don't be afraid to speak your mind.

This has been the Night Angel.

I Have a Bone to Pick With You

Yes, you who speaks their mind and cares not of the feelings of others. Cares not that you hurt people, make them despise you, want to punch them in the face. If you opened your mind and listened without such bias when people spoke, I might not dislike you so much.
Need to gain some social maturity and duct tape.

And You as well, who talks only of themselves even when things on my end are horrible and you know this fact. When all you talk of is yourself, how bad your day was, how your parents yell at you all the time. Nobody cares anymore. You're almost twenty-eight for God sake and you remind me of my sister when she was five.
Need to move out of the house and get a life.

And you as well, Night Angel, you need to learn when to stand up for yourself in real life. Nobody cares about what you say online anymore because they think they're big and strong. Stand up for yourself, you shouldn't have to stand for being called such wretched names.
Need a hug.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Unimpressed and Hurt

Today I had so much energy. Really, I was bouncing off the walls and having a great day. Depression level at level Zero for the first time in who knows when!!

So I come home and decide that hey, because I'm feeling so well I'll try my hand at writing a little short story. I mean, because I've been feeling so down lately I've had a terrible writer's block. And this has been a long writer's block. Months I've suffered from it.

I start writing this great Fan-Fiction, it's really amazing. Do some research on the time era, find out about a few execution methods and write those words out!! And yeah, it's pretty gross. Stoning to death is not a pretty thing.

So I messaged a guy-friend on chat, told him it would be bad but he agreed to read it. The guy loved it. Said the scene with the stoning was beautifully written, even though it "scared the crap" out of him. So, beaming with pride I message another guy friend. "Wunta read something nasty? >D"

He agreed, so I sent him the still-unfinished short story.

The guy was so disgusted by it he would not finish the rest of the story. Even the other guy friend told him like six times "the rest is actually really calming and great." And yet he still refuses to read the rest of it.

You know, I thought my boyfriend would be a little more respective of my feelings. But he refused to take a Leap of Faith, refused to trust me or his best friend, and now I'm left heartbroken, once again depressed and unwilling to finish this story.

So thanks, boyfriend, for ruining a perfect day.

Can't think up a good exit line,
The Night Angel.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

As a note to self


Journalism, journalism, JOURNALISM.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

One Hundred Post Celebration!!

This is the Night Angel, telling you that this is my one hundredth post!!

* sparklers*

I'm very happy to have been able to keep this blog up to a hundred posts... It makes me proud >'3

Anyway, just letting you know that this is post #100, on February 8, 2011. At 10:51pm.

Dancing happily,
The Night Angel

Monday, February 7, 2011

Paul Bettany with a side order of scary Vampires? Yes, PLEASE!!

A long line of movies is parading into Theatres that I would really love to see. There's 'Beastly', 'Pirates of The Caribbean', just to name a few and many others. But none amount to how freaking badly I want to see 'Priest'.

The movie is about a Preist, who disobeys Church Law in order to track down the Vampires who kidnapped his niece. As I watched the movie trailer, there was a niggling at the back of my mind about maybe this wasn't going to be too frightening. But after I saw my favourite actor, Paul Bettany, I knew that the movie would be deliciously disturbing and scary enough for me.

As more on the movie comes out, I will most of course tell you more!! :D

The Night Angel.

Friday, February 4, 2011

About The Night Angel ([Blog Post #1] 02-04-'11)

Our first assignment in tech is to tell you a little bit about myself. If you're a constant reader, you know a lot about me already, but here we go.

~~ My name is Haley, but for an odd reason I prefer the spelling as 'Halie'. Over the Internet people know me as many things; Creed, Night Angel, Tomo, Kaze, Sisi or Zou, use any of these nicknames and I'll probably respond to be totally honest.
My personal interests revolve mostly around the arts and tech, namely Adobe Illustrator is my preferred program to work with.

I'm very interested in all and any works of Leonardo da Vinci, and for those who are rolling their eyes, I've been interested way before 'Assassin's Creed'. Speaking of 'Assassin's Creed', that's something else that I enjoy. The video game series 'Assassin's Creed' is probably one of the things I enjoy most in life, and while I don't often get chances to play the games I fill in those gaps by researching the game and characters inside of it.

I still am not used to calling Rodrigo Borgia 'Pope Alexander VI'.

I write novels, fan fictions, short stories, poems and such but most of all I love writing articles for folks such as you to read on my blog. I have completed many novels, however it costs around $1, 500 to self publish and I'm worried about thievery at any Publishing companies.

Also I enjoy art and sketching, drawing and doodles. I'm getting pretty darn good at drawing Assassins and my life-long struggle of eyes. Hands and feet.... Not so much, but I'm getting better at them, I believe.

What I want to learn most this Semester in Cyber-Tech... Well, I'm not sure. It would be really neet to be able to have some free time to finish a few CG art products though, as I like to sell my art on an online forum that's basically a second home.

Designing a new Character plot,
The Night Angel.

I hate it!!

My CyberARTS lab recently updated their computers with CS4 and everything. Personally when I heard that I was stoked. Seriously happy.

And then we were told that we had connected to the school's system instead of being a separate network.

You can't change your background image, preferences, settings, Firefox is gone...

I have a feeling that I speak for everybody when I say that I hate it... -.-

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow, Groundhogs and a little bit of Complaining.

Children across Canada today rejoiced as schools all over the country shut down and cancelled classes. New Semesters, Regular classes and Exams were all put on hold against the heavy snow and cold. Wind gusts through the tree limbs at thirty-three kilometers an hour, it feels like negative eighteen (Celsius) and you can only see a good one kilometer in front of you.

And this triggered a severe storm warning?

Well, wait a second it's only ten in the morning, and more is very sure to come. There are heavy Blizzard warnings all over the place, and Kingston is even suffering from thunder and lightning strikes right now! It is said that the "widespread total snowfall amount of 15 to 20 centimeters are likely by the time the storm ends by this evening."

Dayna Vettese, a meteorologist at The Weather Network says that “the worst of the snowfall is over for the Toronto area and the system is now tracking east towards Kingston and Ottawa.” These areas are expected to see up to 20 cm of snow by the time the storm rolls through

Look out, more snow!! Okay so I understand snow is bad if it accumulates and yadda yadda but it's just snow! I'm a Canadian, I'm used to worse weather in this. For hell's sake I wear a sweater in this weather, screw the winter jacket! (Yeah and I wonder why I get sick.) Complain all you want, I thrive in the cold so I'm unaffected really, it's the getting wet part that bugs me personally.

In other news, Groundhogs across Canada today agreed that yes, Spring is around the corner. What bothers me about said prediction is that Wiarton Willie, my area's hog, was kept in a plexi glass cage. In the middle of winter. With nothing but hay. He didn't even go outside. This, and I believe I saw a Shadow. If I can see a shadow, the darn hog can too... Stupid humans deciding for him 3<

And so, Canadians can expect an early spring. If you believe in the predicting powers of a groundhog.

Off to play in some snow,
The Night Angel.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Are Humans Really This Stupid???

There is a website that I go online to every day, that is basically my second home. Now, the majority of the population are women, and a growing number are men however a good chunk of the men are gay.

Now, being gay is not a bad thing at all, you love who you love and love them how you want to... HOWEVER. Knowing that, why do some users still insist on saying "that's so gay" and other words that they use to obviously hurt other's feelings.

A Form popped up the other day of a girl who said that she "told a little girl she was married to a vampire". This is all in fun of course, but a lot of people thought she meant good ol' Edward Cullen, from the movie saga 'Twilight'.

Now when this was brought up, the original user posted back in very large 18-point red font;

nope only i'm lucky enough to be married to a vampire
and not a twilight one
edward is so GAY :laugh:

This really irked me to no end, so I had to reply. Now of course this will result in me being blacklisted from whatever Forums she ever makes but I really don't care. What irks me more is in her signature she is begging for some Gold because she's 'poor'. Yup, insult half the website and then beg for charity. Bloody brilliant.

So I replied back;

By Gay you mean happy, right! XP

nope don't like edward at all
he needs a haircut
not to mention plastic surgery *rolls eyes*
and gay does not mean happy in this sense

And I;
You don't have to like him.
I'm just saying that using the word 'gay' instead of the word 'stupid' or something worse, which I beleive you meant, is pretty offensive. Now if the authour of the books said he was gay, then I do apoligize whole-heartedly.

So she hasn't responded for a few minutes. Meaning that she's probably off looking for evidence of him being gay. Ah, fan girls, whatever shall we do with them? I just hate people that use the word gay as an offense. The only time it's hilarious is when it backfires and you yell "you're so gay" at a gay guy. And even that gets tiring after a while.

Choose something else to waste your time on. Like watching Television.

I just wasted five minutes of your life.
Love, The Night Angel